
About us

We are a group of like-minded volunteers who give up our free time to organise the CFRA's existing three annual fell races in Cumbria.

Joss NaylorJoss Naylor MBE - Our President and local legend with an international reputation. Joss completed 60 peaks on his 60th birthday in 36 hours to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and on his 80th birthday did a 30 mile combined running/cycling crossing of the lakes. To date Joss has raised over £21,000 for charity.

Richad EastmanRichard Eastman - Our Chairman, IT administrator, email and website editor. Also the organiser of the Scafell Pike fell race, the Wasdale Horseshoe Fell Race and the Buttermere 'Sailbeck' up to 1999. Richard retired from fell running due to knee injuries, but as an active cyclst and swimmer he occasionally participates in triathlons.

Chris EllenChris Ellen - Our former Secretary and course radio controller and former organiser of the Buttermere 'Sailbeck' fell Race before passing it over to Richard. Unfortunately Chris had to retire from helping with the races due to a long absence recovering from very serious head injuries from a fall on cliffs in Cornwall.

Bob DavisBob Davis - Our Treasurer and the organiser of the Muncaster Fell Race until 2000. Bob is an active fell runner and often a winner of a vets category prize in our CFRA races.

Our Other Committee Members

Colin Dulson - Organiser of the Ennerdale 'Horseshoe' fell race, an active fell runner & triathlete